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Cool World Consulting

Contact JRtB on twitter or instagram @justridethebike

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We think riding a bike is cool, but working for a better environment is very cool and that’s why we wanted to introduce you to Cool World Consulting. Because like us, they do exactly what it says on the tin.

We need to cool our world down in so many ways. Cutting down flights, reducing the reliance of our society on vehicles and eating less meat are some of the ways we can make our planet a better place. If we are lucky, then what we talk about now, campaign for and put into practice can shape a better future for the generations to follow us.


Bold talk? Romantic? Maybe. But to the Just Ride the Bike team and the good people at Cool World Consulting it is common sense. That’s why we have been talking to them and finding ways of complementing each other since the spring when we were introduced by our friends at the City of London Corporation.


Cool World Consulting are all about raising awareness of some of the most serious environmental and health issues facing us today. But brilliantly, they are not blindingly preaching solutions. They totally understand that what will be effective at getting one group of people to change their behaviour, might not work for another. They always try to see the issue from the perspective of their target audience – which can be different. Unlike us, for Cool World Consulting the solution isn’t always about riding a bike for example. Although we did talk about how cargo bikes can help reduce emissions with Tom Knowles recently.

​Like all the best people with good ideas they take their time and listen to their customers first. One of the skills is tracking and understanding what an organisation does and how its behaviours shape their emissions. So, the Cool World Consulting team also provide carbon foot printing services for organisations and businesses - calculating their footprint and advising on how to reduce their environmental impact. Right now they are specialising in awareness-raising and behaviour change campaigns for local authorities, schools, hospitals and businesses.


​We hope to be doing more work with them and sharing ideas and solutions. Watch out for more news and videos!

Contact Andrew Brown on 07795 547069


for further information or comment 


Images Copyright Cool World Consulting, 2021

Contact 07795 547069

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